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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant Attention! You must have cookies enabled in your browser. Please change the settings in your browser and retry. Eastern Partnership, Russia & Central Asia. Building a common area of shared democracy, prosperity, stability and increased cooperation with in its neighbourhood is a top priority for the EU. To this end the EU has built a close partnership with six countries to its … EU and Central Africa. The EU and Cameroon concluded negotiations on an interim Economic Partnership Agreement in 2007.

Smart specialisering är en av de centrala principerna för EU:s industri-, innovations- och regionpolitik samt för hela EU:s politik. Europeiska  2020-apr-17 - - Pinterest

These include responding to security threats, protecting human rights, promoting economic development, developing transport and energy links, and ensuring True to the EU’s foreign policy principle of inclusivity, it could seek engagement with China in order to strengthen its own ‘eurostandard’ of connectivity for the region. The most important regional partners for the EU are, however, the Central Asian states themselves and their citizens. De senaste tweetarna från @eu_central_2 The EU and Central American countries reiterated their goal of concluding an Association Agreement including a free trade area, in the EU-Latin America Summit in May 2004 in Guadalajara, Mexico, and in May 2005 at the EU-Central America Ministerial meeting in Luxembourg, at which Ministers welcomed the launching of a joint assessment exercise on regional economic integration and the setting up For the UK, as from 1.1.2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI. ©1995-2020 European Medicines Agency | Disclaimer | For technical support, please visit the EMA Service Desk portal using your user credentials for a system hosted by EMA (except Eudravigilance).

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Location: Frankfurt (Germany) Website: European Central Bank. The European Central Bank (ECB) manages the euro and frames and implements EU economic & monetary policy. Its main aim is to keep prices stable, thereby supporting economic growth and job creation. Attention! You must have cookies enabled in your browser. Please change the settings in your browser and retry. Målet med Central Sweden är att utifrån ett EU-perspektiv bidra till förverkligandet av medlemmarnas regionala utvecklingsstrategier och program. - Pinterest

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