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In the latest reports, India GDP contracted 7.537 % YoY in Sep 2020. India Nominal GDP reached 739.299 USD bn in Dec 2020. Its GDP deflator (implicit price deflator) increased 3.786 % in Sep 2020. Gross Savings Rate of India In 2020, GDP per capita for China was 10,839 US dollars. GDP per capita of China increased from 1,045 US dollars in 2001 to 10,839 US dollars in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 13.35%.

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1975. 1980. 1985. 1990.

1, Bermuda, $23,000. 2, United  If the growth rates were sustained, Japan's income would be higher than that of US before 1990.

• Luxembourg- Inflation rate 2025 Statista

The estimates shown in this report are based on data available as of September 2012. Data are available for all countries through GDP per capita of Queensland increased from 32,231 $ in 2001 to 70,365 $ in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 4.27%. Queensland GDP per Capita, 1990-2020 - Data Products Insights Data Partners The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Poland was last recorded at 17386.90 US dollars in 2019. The GDP per Capita in Poland is equivalent to 138 percent of the world's average.

Regional utveckling i Norden: – Basprojektets årsrapport 1993/94

1990 gdp per capita

GDP per capita of China increased from 1,045 US dollars in 2001 to 10,839 US dollars in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 13.35%. GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure for the economic activity. It is defined as the value of all goods and services produced less the value of any goods or services used in their creation. The volume index of GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) is expressed in relation to the European Union average set to equal 100.

11,398. 17,792. 25,763. In 1990, GDP per capita for Somalia was 127 US dollars. Though Somalia GDP per capita fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through  Thus, total capital flows per capita into LDCs have fallen by 30% since 1990.
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1990 gdp per capita

2, Qatar, 124,100. 3, Macau, 122,000. 4, Monaco, 115,700. 5, Luxemburg, 105,100.

1975. 1980.
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GDP per capita (current LCU) GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $) Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) Oil rents (% of GDP) Download. CSV XML EXCEL 2012-11-07 · Charts on current levels and recent trends of GDP per capita, GDP per hour worked, average annual hours worked, and employment are followed by tables with time series and growth rates of these and related indicators.

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2020 sjönkt BNP per capita preliminärt med 3,5 procent.

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Map showing GDP in 1990 created by Reddit user trinitronbxb. The map above, which shows GDP GDP 1990 (Billion USD) GDP 2015 (Billion USD) GDP growth annualized Population 1990 (Million) Population 2015 (Million) GDP per capita growth annualized Rank Equatorial Guinea: 0.13: 13.18: 20.2%: 0.34: 1.18: 14.3%: 1 China: 398.62: 11,226.19: 14.3%: 1,128.67: 1,397.03: 13.3%: 2 Vietnam: 6.47: 191.29: 14.5%: 66.17: 93.57: 12.9%: 3 Nicaragua: 0.52: 12.61: 13.6%: 4.14: 6.08: 11.9%: 4 Timor-Leste: 0.15 1990 - 2019 GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $) GDP per capita (current LCU) GDP per capita (current US$) Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) Oil Armenia gdp per capita for 2019 was $4,623, a 9.53% increase from 2018. Armenia gdp per capita for 2018 was $4,220, a 7.82% increase from 2017. Armenia gdp per capita for 2017 was $3,915, a 8.98% increase from 2016. Armenia gdp per capita for 2016 was $3,592, a 0.43% decline from 2015.

We then look at how these  growth in real GDP per capita is a linear one since 1870 with a break in slope between The annual increment of real GDP per capita (in 1990 US dollars) as a  By extending the series with officially reported data after 1990 to the present, the hypothesis of long-term path dependence of East. Germany's economic  Per capita gross domestic product (GDP) average annual growth, 1990–2003. Average annual percentage growth rate of GDP per capita at market prices based  For example, Maddison estimated average GDP per capita of Western Europe in 1500 at. 771 dollars (1990 international dollars), the new work strongly suggests   2. HIV prevalence rate (% pop.